After a long lull due to COVID-19, The Kilwinning Club of Boston is preparing to get back to work performing the long form of the Third Degree and Officer Installations. This year we are offering two new ceremonies, The Gates of Memory and the Lodge of Qualification.
The Gates of Memory
The Gates of Memory is a beautiful ceremony performed when a veteran Brother receives his 50-year veteran award. The ceremony takes the Brother through the three gates of the Third Degree. At each gate, the Brother is greeted with kind words about his journey through Masonry, finally reaching the East, where is is given his 50-year medal.
Lodge of Qualification
Lodge of Qualification is a ceremony performed for Master-elects before they may be installed as Master of their Lodge. The Kilwinning Club of Boston will perform the ceremony for districts who want to add some flare to the ceremony or who need help filling the stations needed for the ceremony.
If you would like to speak with a member of the Kilwinning Club of Boston about either of these ceremonies, please reach out at thekilwinningclubofboston@gmail.com.
Wor. Thomas M. McClintock
Wor. James J. Bennette
Wor. James M. Field
R.W. Charlie Briggs
Wor. Jeffrey W. Miller
R.W. Gordon M. Craig
R.W. Michael J. Douglas
Wor. Clinton Dempsey
Wor. James Bennette
Wor. Matthew Bruce
Regular meeting on the third Monday of the month, July and August excepted, at 7PM for rehearsal and such business as comes before the club.
For additional information regarding The Kilwinning Club of Boston, please see the Contact Us page.
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